Clif Family Organic Farm Preserves Collection

Delicious Preserves from the Clif Family Organic Farm Kitchen

Capturing the Essence of Napa Valley’s Bounty Nestled amongst the natural beauty of Napa Valley, the Clif Family Organic Farm Kitchen is where nature’s bounty is transformed into delicious preserves. Our dedicated team transforms the fruit and vegetables from our organic Napa Valley Clif Family Farm into mouthwatering preserves that capture the essence of each…

The Buzz from Clif Family

By Linzi Gay We’ve been getting some great buzz lately about our Clif Family wines, food products, gift sets and recent B Corp Certification. 10 Most Sustainable Wineries in Napa Valley highlights 10 Napa Valley wineries that have successfully achieved and maintained sustainability initiatives. 23 of the Best Gifts for Grandma on Mother’s Day…